Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find the most frequently asked questions about the SwimCount® Harvester.
Can the SwimCount® Harvester be used for frozen sperm?
As long as the samples contains Motile Sperm Cells, they can be used with the SwimCount® Harvester. Dilution will not affect the use of the SwimCount® Harvester.
Does the frozen thawed sperm need to be washed?
No, the thawed frozen sperm cells do not need to be washed. You can say that when the Motile Sperm Cells migrate through the pores of the membrane and into the medium that the sperm cells are washed automatically.
Does it have a negative effect if you incubate the SwimCount® Harvester for more or less than 30 minutes?
The only thing to consider if you culture for more than 30 Minutes is that the Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs) run out of energy. But 30 Minutes compared to 35 Minutes will not have any effect.
Is there any limitation for sperm concentration for SwimCount® Harvester?
The lower limit is 50.000 sperm cells/mL. We have not seen an upper limit yet.
What is the sperm recovery rate as per the clinical study published in Human reproduction?
The average recovery rate is around 30%.
Is there a risk of diffusion when the Motile Sperm Cells swim through the filter to the upper compartment and if so, do you then have to do a quick centrifugation to purify the sperm?
There is a risk of diffusion, that will be comparable to the swim-up method. Some do centrifugation when they do swim-up some do not. We would suggest that you perform the SwimCount® Harvester WITHOUT gradient centrifugation.
Can the SwimCount® Harvester be used when Asthenozoospermia is present?
It is not recommended to use the SwimCount® Harvester if total Asthenozoospermia is present.
Can the SwimCount® Harvester be performed with a very high viscosity semen?
Yes, If the sample can be aspirated into the syringe it would be fine. If the sample is so viscose that it cannot be used with the syringe, then culture medium should be added into the sample.
Why will the Sperm Preparation Media layer at the top in the SwimCount® Harvester, not penetrate the sample compartment in the bottom?
There are several reasons behind the fact that no mixing occurs between the Sample Compartment and the Medium Compartment because:
- The SwimCount® Harvester membrane system prevents a mixing of the sample and the medium
- The design of the system eliminates any pressure built up in the two chambers, so that the added sample stays in the Sample Compartment and the added medium also stays in the Medium Compartment
What is the design principle of the SwimCount® Harvester?
Basically, the SwimCount® Harvester employs the principle of swim-up, however, compared to swim-up the SwimCount® Harvester is much more efficient with a much greater surface/volume area and with a much more stable interface between the sample and the medium making the system robust and resulting in a better sperm quality for IUI (3 mL device version), IVF (1 mL or 3 mL device version) & ICSI (1 mL device version)
Is the SwimCount® Harvester recommended for all patients or is it only recommended for patients with low sperm quality?
The SwimCount® Harvester is recommended to be used for all patients (IUI, IVF and ICSI), but it is especially indicated to be used for couples with previous spontaneous/missed abortions and male patients with high DNA-fragmentation in their semen samples.
Which Sperm Preparation/Culture Medium should be used in connection with the SwimCount® Harvester?
The SwimCount® Harvester does not require a specific culture medium, so whatever medium the clinic prefers can be used. You should, however, be aware that media without MOPS or HEPES should be incubated in a CO2-incubator. Please consult the product information from the supplier of the culture medium.
Why do I sometimes see a variation in the device color on the SwimCount® Harvester?
Gamma radiation is highly energetic and can break chemical bonds in the pigments or dyes used in printing inks. This may cause:
- Color Fading: The breaking of bonds in chromophores (color-producing molecules) can lead to less vibrant colors.
- Color Shift: Altered molecular structures might absorb and reflect light differently, resulting in changes to the hue.
- The printer specification and reproducibility: There will always be some variations when printing colors, which are related to the printer itself and the actual color of the ink.
This does NOT have any influence on the functionality of the SwimCount® Harvester and is only a visual color alteration.
Does it matter what type of syringe I use when performing the SwimCount® Harvester?
Yes, you MUST only use the green syringes or syringes that meet the requirements below:
The syringe must be a 2 piece component.
- The syringe must be made out of polypropylene (BARREL) and the plunger OUT OF polyethylene.
- Cannot contain silicone oil, Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Bisphenol A (BPA), Diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) and Latex
What are the advantages of the SwimCount® Harvester compared to similar methods?
The SwimCount® Harvester is a Closed Device System which means:
- Easy-to-use when adding and aspirating the semen sample and sperm preparation medium respectively
- No risk for contamination from the surrounding environment
- No evaporation of the sperm preparation medium
- No risk of spillage
The chamber above the membrane is the same for both the 1 mL as well as the 3 mL version (it is only the chamber below the membrane that has a different size)
Can we expect a similar yield regarding progressive motile sperm?
With the SwimCount® Harvester you can expect the same or better, because the SwimCount® Harvester have a larger membrane area to sample volume.
What is suggested as the minimum number of progressive motile sperm that can still be used for IUI treatment after performing sperm preparation with the SwimCount® Harvester?
The Concentration should be app. 3 Million Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs) per mL, which means that there should be app. 4 Million in Total in the aspirate.
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